April 14, 2017

Easter Flowers and Kitty Tales

Happy Good Friday, Happy Easter and Happy Passover to ALL! I love this time of year with all the pretty spring flowers! And it always make me think of one of the greatest times I had, (and many of you have heard this before), when I was the Official White House Easter Bunny. If you don't know this story, check out my blog post Happy Easter from the White House
So, we have a new pet in our house and her name is, appropriately flower-themed, Primrose Aberdeen. Her name is intentionally similar to Primrose Everdeen, from the Hunger Games book series, but her mom's name is Aberdeen. Prim is also a Bengal kitten and she's meant to hunt.
She's very cute, but very crazy! Prim (as we call her) likes her wine! I mean, don't we all? We sometimes call her Alchy Kitty because we have to guard our glasses from her eager licking tongue! But she also likes to attack my feet, knock stuff off the window sills, tables, you name it. 
 This is one of her favorite spots - a room with a view!
And sometimes, I need to remind myself of her cuteness, in between her attacks, so I take pictures of her when she's being calm, and then use my Waterlogue app and "paint" her. She sure looks sweet, but...
...worst of all, Prim likes to EAT FLOWERS!! This is very distressing as I love all things floral and love nothing more than to make flower arrangements. I just never thought that this new kitten would hunt the flowers and me down simultaneously! It's a real problem!
 To get ready for the season, I first started with my front door, planting bulbs in the planters, and hanging the cutest wreath! Thanks to my niece, Katie, who had the same one and who told me where to find it!

Then I filled my cherished Nantucket Basket wall pocket that I scooped at one of my favorite, yet now defunct, Nantucket shops, Weeds, with a mixture of large pansies and Johnny Jump-ups!
So, with Easter in mind, and imagining all the places where Prim couldn't eat the flowers, I still wanted to make a fresh arrangement. I grabbed some blooms at the nearby Trader Joe's and had to work quickly!! Teeth were gnashing and furry legs were preparing to pounce at any moment!
With my Medici vase that I had from when I did a master flower arranging class with the magnifique French floral phenom, Christian Tortu (you can read about him in my blog post Master Class with France's Christian Tortu), I gathered my flowers for the quickie arrangement. I didn't bother with greens because I knew that I had enough leaves on the blooms I already had. Blue hyacinths, purple stock, pink variegated tulips and a mixed grouping of ranunculas (I know in Latin I should say ranunculae, I just don't feel like writing it this way:), I was guaranteed a pretty arrangement no matter what!
But I still had to contend with the Little Monster!
She is relentless!
I quickly started with placing the stock in the center and added the tulips encircling the stock. 
See? She's going after the ranunculas. 
Stop it Prim!!
I added the blue hyacinths in the spaces where I didn't have tulips, and kept blending the flowers, always rotating to see where there were holes or places that looked funny.
And then I added these beauties. I felt so lucky that this grouping was available to buy instead of a solid monochromatic bunch. It just added so much!
Et voila! They look pretty here but they can't stay in this spot for long or else Miss Prim will attack and eat it all!
 See how bland my table is this year? Pretty safe for the moment, but despite no floral centerpiece, I am IN LOVE with my Jeanne Van Etten (another fave from Nantucket) hand-blown and painted goose eggs! And if you stop by her adorable shop on Fair Street, tell her that Bloomingblog sent you! :)
Ahhh, I especially LOVE the mermaid egg!!

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